
McHenry Times

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Village of Lake in the Hills Committee of the Whole met May 23

Village of Lake in the Hills Committee of the Whole met May 23.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 pm.

Present were Trustees Huckins, Dustin, Harlfinger, Bojarski, Anderson, Murphy, and President Bogdanowski.

Also present were Village Administrator Shannon Andrews, Assistant Village Administrator Ashley Eccles, Chief of Police Mary Frake, Finance Director Pete Stefan, Public Works Director Ryan McDillon, Parks & Recreation Director Trevor Bosack, Director of Community Development John Svalenka, Village Attorney Brad Stewart, and Village Clerk Shannon DuBeau.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Algonquin Township Highway Commissioner Danijela Sandberg.

Commissioner Sandberg listed many accomplishments achieved during her time in office, including the streamlining of specialized recycling, which now saves $10k per year, and the formulation of a 12-year maintenance program. In the last two years, 5,000 sq ft of Algonquin Township roads have been resurfaced.

Improvements to community involvement include doubling Touch-A-Truck attendance, a new Senior Services bus, and the launch of Coffee with the Commissioner, which takes place every Tuesday at 8:00 am in Commissioner Sandberg’s office.

President Bogdanowski mentioned that the Algonquin Township Highway Department has committed to help the Village by supplying extra buses and/or minivans for Summer Sunset Festival.

Audience Participation

McHenry County Board Member Carolyn Campbell of District 3 addressed the Board regarding speed reduction. After being presented with a McHenry County Division of Transportation speed study, which showed certain roads that would benefit from a reduction in speed, the Transportation Committee chose not to reduce the speed limit on Pyott Road and Lakewood Road. As a representative of the Village, Carolyn is seeking input. She feels that it would be wise to reduce the speed limit on Lakewood Road from 45 mph to 40 mph now in preparation for the future pedestrian path. Trustee Anderson asked if the speed limit will need to be reduced further once the path is constructed. Carolyn stated that the speed limit near Miller Road’s pedestrian path is 40 mph.

Trustee Dustin voiced interest in the addition of crosswalks at the intersection of Lakewood Road and Algonquin Road. Carolyn offered to look into options.

Carolyn supplied the following link for Randall Road Corridor Improvement Project feedback: Randall Road (Northern Segment) | McHenry County, IL (mchenrycountyil.gov)


Request for a Waiver of Section 43.09, “Noise,” of the Lake in the Hills Municipal Code and Waiver of Sign Regulations & Enforcement

Presented by Village Administrator Shannon Andrews

Attached to the agenda, please find a letter from Stewart McVicor, with Club 400, requesting enforcement activities be suspended to allow the placement of temporary signage on Henry Lane. He has also requested a waiver of the provisions of Section 43.09, Noise, of the Municipal Code to allow music to be played at an event being held by Club 400 at 3090 Henry Lane on Thursday, August 17, 2023. Finally, he requests that parking be allowed on the following streets for approximately 250 guests:

• Northside of Gladstone

• Eastside of Henry Lane

• Southside of Gateway

• Eastside of Albrecht

Accordingly, the police department will place signage restricting parking to only one side of the street during the events. This will alleviate street congestion and allow for better traffic flow for residents and emergency vehicle access if necessary.

Club 400 will also be applying for a one-day Event Permit Liquor License.

Staff recommends a motion to waive the provisions of Section 43.09, “Noise” from 6:00pm until 10:30pm, suspend enforcement activities to allow the installation of temporary signage on Henry Lane, and allow parking for approximately 250 guests for the event being held by Club 400 on August 17, 2023, at 3090 Henry Lane.

President Bogdanowski asked if there were any issues with previous event. Chief Frake confirmed that there were no issues.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Request for Waiver of Sign Regulations and Enforcement for Joanna Krzepkowska/HomeSmart Connect Presented by Village Administrator Shannon Andrews

Per the Zoning Ordinance, Section 16.2-8, all non-profit entities wishing to place temporary signs in the rights-of way must submit a written request to the Community Development Department to allow for an event sign(s) to be placed in the public right-of-way, which are approved by the Village Administrator.

Per Village Code, Chapter 31, Section 31.01 C, residents that receive a garage sale permit are limited to three signs and they shall be displayed only during the dates the sale is in progress and must be removed within 24 hours after the last day of the sale.

The request, which is attached to the agenda, is from Joanna Krzepkowska, realtor for HomeSmart Connect. She is requesting enforcement activities be suspended to allow the erection of temporary signage in the right-of-way at the intersections listed below, within the Village boundaries, from June 1, 2023, until June 19, 2023, to advertise participation in a neighborhood garage sale to take place from June 15 through June 18, 2023, in the Meadowbrook subdivision.

1. Lakewood Road and Miller Road

2. Miller Road and Haligus Road

3. Miller Road and Swanson Road (Southside)

4. Miller Road and Randall Road

Since this is not a non-profit entity, the request is being submitted to the Village Board for approval.

Staff recommends a motion to suspend enforcement activities from June 1, 2023, until June 19, 2023, to allow the installation of temporary signage at the intersections referenced above for the neighborhood garage sale to take place from June 15 to June 18, 2023, in the Meadowbrook subdivision.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Request for Approval of an Ordinance Allowing Temporary Sale of Packaged Beer Presented by Village Administrator Shannon Andrews

On May 9, 2023, the Village received a request from Corinna Sac of UpRising Bakery, for a temporary license that would allow the business to sell packaged beer to clear excess stock from its inventory. The business, which is an existing liquor license holder under the name Desserts by Corrina, LLC, would like to offer packaged liquor sales during Memorial Day weekend, from May 27 through May 29, 2023.

The Ordinance, which is attached to the agenda, would allow for the temporary sale of packaged beer for offsite consumption by Desserts by Corrina, LLC for the requested dates of May 27-29, 2023, provided that any beer sold must be part of a complete packaged unit (i.e., a four pack or six pack). In all other respects, the requirements of the Village Code and liquor license for the establishment would remain in full force and effect.

Staff recommends a motion to Approve an Ordinance Allowing Temporary Sale of Packaged Beer for a Licensed Establishment.

Trustee Dustin asked if inventory be enhanced for the sale. Administrator Andrews stated that it is understood that this sale is solely to deplete excess stock.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Community Development

Request for Approval of an Ordinance Granting a Variation to Reduce the Minimum Front Yard for an Attached Garage at 332 Hiawatha Drive

Presented by Director of Community Development John Svalenka

The existing single-family detached residence at 332 Hiawatha Drive is a typical raised ranch constructed in 1973. The applicant, Peter Wisniewski, purchased the home on February 26, 2007. Mr. Wisniewski would like to renovate and construct additions onto the front and rear of the residence to add living space and create a more usable garage. The lot is steeply sloped and drops 22 feet in elevation from the front lot line along Hiawatha Drive to the rear lot line along Goose Lake. The floor of the existing lower-level garage is over 14 feet lower than the street and is accessed by a steep asphalt driveway. As a part of the project, the existing garage is proposed to be converted to living space, and a new two-car garage is proposed to be added onto the front of the upper level of the house.

The subject property is within the R-2 One-Family Dwelling zoning district. In accordance with Section 7.4 of the Zoning Code a minimum front yard of 25 feet is required to be maintained in the R-2 zoning district. The proposed new attached garage would be set back only 6.66 from the front lot line. Therefore, the applicant has requested approval of a variation from Section 7.4 of the Zoning Code to reduce the required from yard from 25 feet to 6.66 feet.

Village staff reviewed the variation request according to the standards listed in the Zoning Code. In general, staff found that the request meets all three conditions and all six supplemental standards for the granting of a variation.

The Planning & Zoning Commission conducted a public hearing on May 15, 2023. The Commission recommended approval of the request by a vote of 7-0.

Staff recommends a motion to approve an ordinance granting a variation to reduce the minimum front yard for an attached garage at 332 Hiawatha Drive.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Request for Approval of an Ordinance Amending that Certain Ordinance 2022-29, Granting a Variation to Section 16.7 Table 5 - Signs Permitted, at 220 N. Randall Road, PIN 19-30-276-006, to Allow for a Sign Presented by Director of Community Development John Svalenka

On August 11, 2022, the Board of Trustees passed Ordinance 2022-29 granting a variation to Mark Hoffmann to allow for the construction of a new permanent ground sign for Moretti’s restaurant at 220 N. Randall Road. The variation from Section 16.7 of the Zoning Code approved an increase in the maximum allowable height of the sign from 8 feet to 15 feet as measured from the base of the sign. The ordinance also included a condition requiring the base of the sign to be located near the northeast corner of the property adjacent to the driveway accessing Randall Road.

When Mr. Hoffmann’s sign contractor submitted a formal sign permit application for the new sign, the drawings showed the sign in a different location centered on the front of the building. Therefore, on January 12, 2023, the Board of Trustees passed Ordinance 2023-01 as a first amendment to Ordinance 2022- 29 to approve the new location.

On January 13, 2023, the Community Development Department issued permit number PE055770 to allow construction of the new ground sign. The approved permit documents include a copy of the January 12 ordinance as a reference, and include drawings prepared by the sign contractor showing the height of the sign to be 15 feet as measured from the grade at the base of the sign. A Village inspector approved the “pre-pour footing” inspection on February 23, 2023. As a part of this inspection, staff were able to confirm that the sign would be in the correct location.

The contractor scheduled a “rough electrical” inspection for April 19, 2023. Upon arrival on April 19, the inspector found that the sign was essentially complete. Therefore, in addition to examining the rough electrical work, the inspector measured the size of the sign. Unfortunately, the installed sign is four feet taller than allowed by the approved variation and permit. Specifically, the approved sign permit drawings show the height of the sign to be 15’0” as measured from the grade at the base of the sign, but the installed sign is 19 feet tall as measured from the base of the sign. Therefore, Mr. Hoffmann has requested a second amendment to the originally approved ordinance to approve the installed height of the sign.

For consideration by the Board of Trustees, the Village Attorney has drafted the attached ordinance as a second amendment to Ordinance 2022-29. As noted above, the original approved variation increased the allowable height of the sign from 8 feet to 15 feet. The ordinance, which is attached to the agenda, amends Section 3 of Ordinance 2022-29 to further increase the allowable height of the sign from 15 feet to 19 feet. All other conditions of the previous approvals remain unchanged. If a motion to approve the ordinance is passed, the sign would be allowed to remain in place with the current height. If a motion to approve the ordinance fails, the owner’s sign contractor would need to trim the signpost and re-attach the sign box to reduce the height.

Staff recommends a motion to approve an Ordinance amending that certain Ordinance 2022-29, Granting a Variation to Section 16.7, Table 5 - Signs Permitted, at 220 N. Randall Road, PIN 19-30-276-006, to allow for a sign.

Trustee Anderson stated that the current height of the sign interferes with line of sight. Mr. Hoffman respectfully disagreed.

President Bogdanowski noted that Mr. Hoffman put Village staff in a difficult position by disregarding the approved sign height. Mr. Hoffman stated that there was a misunderstanding—during the planning phase he listed the sign height as 15 feet from street level, not ground level.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Public Works

Request for Approval of an Airport Ground Lease for Hangar PAP-08

Presented by Public Works Director Ryan McDillon

The Airport Rules and Regulations document requires tenants to enter into applicable leases, licenses, or storage agreements for Village owned hangers. Edmund Kraus is requesting a new ground lease on Hangar PAP-08. This lease is for the period of June 1, 2023, to June 1, 2043. The lease includes an option to renew for four additional five-year terms.

Mr. Kraus has signed the appropriate lease form and has provided acceptable proof of insurance.

Financial Impact

The Airport Fund will receive $2,437.80 annually from the ground lease and $240 from electrical service fees, subject to annual increases approved by ordinance.

Staff recommends a motion to approve the Ordinance and authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to sign the ground lease for Hangar PAP-08 with Edmund Kraus.

Trustee Dustin asked if rental rates need to be reviewed. Director McDillon stated that they were reviewed earlier this year but will be reviewed again soon.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Request for Approval of an Airport Ground Lease for Hangar PAP-47

Presented by Public Works Director Ryan McDillon

The Airport Rules and Regulations document requires tenants to enter into applicable leases, licenses, or storage agreements for Village owned hangers. David Hall is requesting a new ground lease on Hangar PAP-47. This lease is for the period of June 1, 2023, to June 1, 2043. The lease includes an option to renew for four additional five-year terms.

Mr. Hall has signed the appropriate lease form and has provided acceptable proof of insurance.

Financial Impact

The Airport Fund will receive $2,437.80 annually from the ground lease and $372 from electrical service fees, subject to annual increases approved by ordinance.

Staff recommends a motion to approve the Ordinance and authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to sign the ground lease for Hangar PAP-47 with David Hall.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Request for Approval of an Airport Office Sublease

Presented by Public Works Director Ryan McDillon

The Lake in the Hills Airport Rules and Regulations require airport tenants to enter into applicable leases for Village owned hangers and buildings. World Resolutions, LLC, d/b/a Pilot Flight Training Courses, has been subleasing the airport middle office since 2017. Their current sublease is due to expire on June 12, 2023. Joe Standley, the owner and President, is requesting a new two-year sublease for the space.

Mr. Standley has signed the appropriate lease form and has acceptable proof of insurance on file. His LLC is in good standing with the State of Illinois Secretary of State’s office.

Financial Impact

The Airport Fund will receive $4,500 annually from the sublease, subject to annual increases approved by ordinance.

Staff recommends a motion to approve the Ordinance and authorize the Village President and Village Clerk to sign the office sublease lease with Joe Standley of World Resolutions, LLC.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Parks & Recreation

Request for Approval of the Village Support Request for the 2023 McHenry County Century Ride Presented by Parks & Recreation Director Trevor Bosack

The People for Parks Foundation of Lake in the Hills, Inc., is hosting the Third Annual McHenry County Century Ride on May 28, 2023. This recurring event is a fundraiser organized to benefit the Village’s Parks and Recreation programs. The Foundation has submitted a special event permit application requesting the use of a small portion of the parking lot at Sunset Park for the event.

In addition, the Foundation has submitted a request for support from the Village (attached to the agenda) for this year’s event. While most items on the list can be accommodated internally by staff, the following requests require Board approval:

• A waiver of the deposit ($1,000), rental fee for Sunset Park ($35), application fee ($25), and safety plan review fee ($150).

• Permission to allow overnight placement of a twelve-foot (12’) equipment trailer in the roundabout at Sunset Park from Friday, May 26 through Monday, May 29, 2023.

Financial Impact

The value of the fee waivers being requested is $1,215; however, $1,000 of this would be refunded to the organization if no damage occurs.

Staff recommends a motion to approve the Village support requests from the People for Parks Foundation of Lake in the Hills for the May 28, 2023, event.

Motion was made to place this item on the Village Board Agenda.

Board of Trustees

Trustee Bojarski thanked the Lake in the Hills Police Department and the Algonquin-Lake in the Hills Fire Department for their swift response to her husband’s car fire.

Trustee Huckins invited all to come out and ride at the 2023 McHenry County Century Ride on Sunday, May 28th.

Trustee Harlfinger asked about the Public Works Open House attendance. Director McDillon stated that it was very good.




There being no further business to discuss, the Committee of the Whole meeting was adjourned at 8:02 pm.



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