
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of McHenry City Council met Aug. 21

City of McHenry City Council met Aug. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the council:

Roll Call: Mayor Jett called the roll call.

Members present Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller, and Mayor Jett. Others present Attorney McArdle, Administrator Morefield, Director of Community Development Polerecky, Finance Director Lynch, Director of Parks and Recreation Hobson, Director of Economic Development Martin, Chief of Police Birk, City Planner Sheriff-absent, Field Operations Manager, Wirch, Deputy Clerk Johnson, and City Clerk Ramel.

Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Jett led the pledge

Public Comment- Laurie Martinez- Resident, who spoke last meeting regarding the sewer backup and damage to the council, stood before the podium to express her concern again regarding the repair costs. Wanted to talk to someone from the council and ended up calling Alderman Santi, stating there was confusion about where the blockage of the damage was located. Mayor Jett stated that he would like to set up a meeting to discuss further with those on the council.

Consent Agenda: Motion to Approve the following Consent Agenda Items as presented:

A. Pass a Resolution formally adopting the new McHenry City Emergency Operations Plan dated August 1, 2023. (Police Chief Birk)

B. Authorize the execution of a Biller Agreement with Invoice Cloud, Inc. for online payment processing for Utility Billing. (Finance Director Lynch)

C. Authorization to waive the competitive bidding process instead of three written quotes and authorize the purchase of fifty-seven (57) ballistic helmets from Hard Head Veterans, in an amount not to exceed $28,414.50. (Police Chief Birk)

D. Authorize the execution of a Lease Agreement for the South Harbor Piers, property, and buildings between the City of McHenry and All Marine Service, Inc. through October 31, 2024. (Parks and Recreation Director Hobson).

E. Authorize a First Amendment to the Amended Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and 1325 Riverside, Inc. dba Whiskey Diablo to extend the terms until February 28, 2024. (Economic Development Director Martin)

F. Approve an Ordinance adding three (3) new restricted roads to Title 7, Chapter 8 and approving new language under Title 7, Chapter 8, Section 3: Penalty and under Title 15, Chapter 1, setting the fine at $750.00. (Police Chief Birk)

G. Approve the closure of the alley west of Riverside Drive on Sunday, September 10th, from 11:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. for the American Legion “Party Out Back” event. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson)

H. Approve a Special Use Permit to allow food trucks, vendor tents, and live music at 1202 Riverside Drive (Miller Point Park) on September 17th from 4 pm to 10 pm; to allow alcohol in the park outside of the designated areas adjacent to All Marine Retro Rentals on September 17th from 4 pm to 10 pm; and to allow an approximate 10-minute fireworks display at 9:45 pm for the “Light the Night” event. (Parks and Recreation Director Hobson)

I. Approve a Special Use Permit to allow multiple tents at 1202 Riverside Drive (Miller Point Park) with live music on October 7th from 3 pm to 7 pm and to allow alcohol in the park outside of the designated areas adjacent to All Marine Retro Rentals on October 7th from 3 pm to 8 pm for the “Full Moon Market” event. (Parks and Recreation Director Hobson)

J. Reject all submitted bids for the McHenry County Sheriff Marine Unit Building at Miller Riverfront Park, updated engineering, and rebid the project for future City Council consideration. (Parks and Recreation Director Hobson)

L. Issuance of Checks in the amount of $683,776.86;

M. As Needed Checks in the amount of $165,415.00.

*Clerks note- these items were approved along with the amended change of the date for Item H. to September 16th instead of the 17th, per Director Hobson. 

Alderman Glab had asked if there is insurance for the fireworks company/show, It was confirmed by Director Hobson that there is proof of insurance shown and there is a signed contract as well.

A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.

*Clerks note- Consent Agenda item pulled by Alderwoman Bassi. 

K. August 7, 2023, City Council Meeting Minutes;

Alderwoman Bassi corrected to minutes stating that she had wanted to acknowledge how organized and the hard work of the gravel pit group was. This was changed in the minutes from that evening as well.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Bassi and seconded by Alderman Santi to approve the Consent Agenda Item as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion carried.

Individual Action Item Agenda 

A. Class A Liquor License – Lighthouse Wines, 1402 Riverside Drive, Unit 101 Motion to approve a Class A Liquor License to Lighthouse Wines, located at 1402 Riverside Drive, Unit 101, and, if approved, pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, Limitation on Number of Licenses. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson)

Alderman Santi wanted to know the location and it was confirmed it is in the basement of the building.

Alderman McClatchey stated that it is in a good location.

The wine will be manufactured there and then it will be poured at different events. Wine classes will be there as well. The first registered winery uses local fruits. Cherry, apple, blueberry, muskmelon wine. The petitioners were at the meeting and passed around the label for their winery so the council could see what the branding looked like.

A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

B. Class C Liquor License – Ami Hotels, LLC dba Hampton Inn, 1555 S. Illinois Route 31.Motion to approve a Class C Liquor License to Ami Hotels, LLC dba Hampton Inn, located at 1555 S. Illinois Route 31 and, if approved, pass an Ordinance Amending Title 4, Chapter 2, Alcoholic Liquor, Section 6, License Classification and Fees; Approval Authority; Limitation on Number of Licenses. (Deputy City Clerk Johnson)

A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderman Glab to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

C. Commercial Tenant Incentive Grant – Rita’s Italian Ice and Custard, 3319 W. Elm Street 

Motion to approve a Commercial Tenant Incentive Grant in the amount of $10,000 for Rita’s Italian Ice and Custard, located at 3319 W. Elm Street. (Economic Development Director Martin)

The reason for the grant would be to help pay for the purchase of equipment, ice custard machine, batch freezer, and other pieces, paid out after the first of the year. Alderman Santi stated the outside looks beautiful and will be going in soon, looks great, and I wish you the best of luck.

Alderman Glab asked who owns the building and it was confirmed that the petitioner.

A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderman Koch to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 6-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller.1-nay, Alderman Glab, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

D. Vacant Building Incentive Program Request – Delight Enterprises, LLC, 3319 W. Elm Street 

Motion to approve a Vacant Building Incentive Program Agreement and direct staff to draft an Ordinance approving a tax abatement on the increase in taxes for five years, following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy and for all approving taxing bodies for the property at 3319 W. Elm Street. (Economic Development Director Martin)

This program was approved by the council last February. Alderman Glab stated that any of those taxes would go to the TIF. Attorney McArdle stated that there is no tax they will be abated. Will we need to change the motion, per Alderman Glab? This discussion went on for some time.

*Clerks note: The first motion by Alderwoman Miller and the second by Alderman Santi were withdrawn due to the changes in the motion. The new motion reads a Motion to approve a Vacant Building Incentive Program Agreement implemented by the city staff, crediting the property owner with a rebate of any increases after the 2022 year out of the TIF Fund. 

A motion was made by Alderman Santi and seconded by Alderwoman Miler to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

E. Revocable and Non-Exclusive License Agreement 

Motion to pass an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor’s execution of a Revocable and Non-Exclusive License Agreement between the City of McHenry and 3918 Main, LLC, and Kusniewski Holdings, LLC. (Economic Development Director Martin)

Alderman Glab wanted to know what would happen if the business closed, it was confirmed the agreement would be terminated. There is no bond in the agreement but insurance is required.

A motion was made by Alderwoman Miller and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote:5-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderwoman Miller. 2-nays Alderman Glab, Alderman Koch, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

F. Amendments to the Façade Grant Program 

Motion to adopt recommended amendments to the McHenry Façade Grant Program based on input from the June 19, 2023, City Council Meeting. (Economic Development Director Martin)

Alderman Glab feels that it should be a $1 made for every $2 made, and would like to see us put in less than the owner. Alderman Santi is comfortable with the ratio. Alderwoman Miller asked how much was left and it starts over again next year. We may be able to have one more grant.

Alderman Glab wanted to know if the property owner has to apply, it was confirmed.

A motion was made by Alderman McClatchey and seconded by Alderwoman Miller to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

G. Economic Incentive Agreement with Graham Enterprise, Inc. 

Motion to pass an Ordinance authorizing the Mayor’s execution of an Economic Incentive Agreement between the City of McHenry and Graham Enterprise, Inc. in the form of a 50% sales tax rebate not to exceed a total of $500,000 or 10 years, whichever comes first. (Economic Development Director Martin)

Alderwoman Bassi wanted to confirm if this is for the Ringwood location only, that was confirmed.

Alderman Santi asked the petitioner, Mr. Grahm to explain further the expense involved. Alderman McClatchey asked when they would be opening before the snowfall would be the suggested time, the location is perfect.

Alderman Strach wanted to know if it would be a Trio, it was confirmed. Alderman Glab asked Attorney McArdle if the site had to be built by a certain date, it was sub section 3D. Also page 231 there was further explanation.

Mayor Jett spoke about the importance of this and working with Mr. Grahm. Alderman Glab and Alderwoman Bassi were reluctant but did vote in favor.

A motion was made by Alderman Koch and seconded by Alderman McClatchey to approve Individual Agenda Items as presented: Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0-abstained. Motion approved.

No public comment.

Discussion Item Agenda 

A. Public Works Operations Policy Discussion Regarding Draft Snow and Ice Control and Sidewalk Maintenance. (Field Operations Manager Wirch)

Three big things have changed, the routing, and the way the approach happens, they make a plan before the event instead of waiting until dispatch, and the cul-de-sac waits until the storm is over and then work those.

Alderwoman Miller wanted to know what tools are used referenced it should be two, her copy had said three.

Alderman Glab thinks we need to go out and find more revenue regarding the sidewalk repairs, to help maintain the public property that is already existing. We should be working for our residents and making our city more beautiful, This needs to be maintained better, and the city needs to set an example.

Filed Operations Manager Wirch talked about the plan to work on those changes. Administrator Morefield wanted to recall if there was a line item on a sidewalk replacement, there was one but it was voted to be taken out per Manager Wirch.

Alderwoman Miller asked about the survey, They were on foot and flagged any issues that were found, over a thousand were flagged per Manager Wirch. The supervisors did go out and look over those as well.

Mayor Jett agrees that there needs to be a plan to help with the sidewalk improvements as well.

This discussion went on for some time.

Staff Reports: Administrator Morefield’s next meeting is a Tuesday, please let him know of any absences that cannot be done remotely for the meetings.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Jett would like to know where the RiseUp money could go he asked everyone to email him the ideas.

City Council Comments: Alderman Strach asked further questions, about jacking regarding the sidewalk repairs, he spoke about past experiences and how this could help the city save further money with repairs.

Alderwoman Miller was asked if we could coordinate with the assessor town hall, and it will be occurring on September 12th.

Alderwoman Bassi asked to host a town hall meeting with constituents that same day. Pearl Street market is canceled for Thursday, it will now be the 24th per Alderman McClatchey. Alderman Glab stated that he is happy that Alderwoman Miller is hosting the meetings up to the council chambers, per above. He also asked if he could get a list of all the economic offers that we have and a breakdown of how the requests were fulfilled from 2022 and 2023 to compare.

Alderwoman Miller stated that the Bands Brews and BBQ did a great job thanks to all who supported the event.

Executive Session: 

A motion was made by Alderman Strach seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn to Executive Session at 8:33 p.m. to 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(11) Litigation. 

Mayor Jett reconvened the meeting from the Executive Session at 8:46 p.m. A motion was made by Alderman Glab and seconded by Alderwoman Bassi to return to an open session. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nays, 0- abstained. Motion carried.

Adjourn: A motion was made by Alderman Strach and seconded by Alderman Santi to adjourn the meeting at 8:46. Roll Call: Vote: 7-ayes: Alderman Santi, Alderman Glab, Alderman McClatchey, Alderwoman Bassi, Alderman Strach, Alderman Koch, Alderwoman Miller. 0-nay-, 0-abstained. Motion carried.  

X Mayor Wayne Jett

X City Clerk Trisha Ramel  




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