Village of Fox River Grove Police Pension Fund Board met Oct. 5
Here is the agenda provided by the board:
1. Meeting called to order
2. Roll Call
3. Approval of minutes from July 5th, 2023
4. Finance Reports:
a. Village Reports
1. Checking account
2. Money Market account
3. CD Accounts
4. IPOPIF Latest Monthly Statement
5. Schwab
b. Approval of bills for payment
5. Old Business:
a. Review Cash Flow Projection required by the IPOPIF
b. Update on the closing the Schwab account
c. Training Status
d. Filing of Records, Anderson to report on status
6. New Business:
a. Review CD offers
b. Acceptance of the retirement paperwork of Mike Miller
7. Attorney report – Tom Radja
8. Adjournment of meeting, NEXT MEETING JANUARY 3rd, 2023 @ 5:30 p.m.