City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Sept. 20.
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:39 p.m. Wednesday, September 20, 2023 at Crystal Lake City Hall.
2. Roll Call/Attendance
Present were the following committee members: Steve Platt, Amy Olson, Carol Elkins, Jen Oliver, Terry Dieckhoff, Cordell Crane, and Emilie Hoffman. Members of the public in attendance were Management Analyst Josh Allain and Mike Stotz.
3. Public Comment
4. Approval of Minutes from the August 16, 2023 Meeting
Jen Oliver made a motion to approve the minutes from the August 16, 2023 meeting. Amy Olson seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed.
5. Community Litter Clean-Up Initiatives
In an effort to respect the time of Mike Stotz, the Committee began discussion on the topic of Litter Clean Up-Initiatives. Mike spoke with the Committee and informed them on his passion for litter clean ups and how he would like to get involved with the Committee in an effort to reduce litter. His interest in his topic comes from his personal initiative to collect litter along his jogging routes. Jen Oliver and Carol Elkins spoke about other organizations who have litter collection programs. The Committee moved discussion to the topic of what actions they could take in the City and asked for Mike’s opinion on the topics. An initial idea was the creation of colorful and artistically designed waste bins through the City. Jen talked about how the Committee could work with children’s groups and volunteer groups to collect trash through the City, stressing the importance of engaging younger demographics. Carol asked if the committee can create some sort of a sign campaign that can be posted through the City and on social media. Josh Allain informed Carol that the City has already begun looking into the possibility of doing this. Cordell Crane proposed the idea of creating some sort of a “shame campaign” for people who litter, similar to that of a campaign that he had heard about a restaurant doing. The Committee shifted focus of conversation to the idea of high litter producing areas, following a question relating to where the most litter is generated, posed by Mike. The Committee agreed that targeting collection efforts near schools may be a good way to handle locations believed to be high in litter production. The Committee ended discussion of this topic focusing in on current program in the City, such as the Adopt a Highway program and ways to actively promote those who do individualized litter programs.
6. 2023 Goals: Greenest Region Compact / Mayor’s Monarch Pledge
a. Focus: Recycling and Composting
The Committee began the discussion of the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge by first reviewing the proposed butterfly artwork that was gathered by Amy Olson and Jen Oliver for the Johnny Appleseed festival. Carol Elkins inquired into how we will be distributing the artwork to the larger community. The idea of sharing a downloadable image on Social Media was proposed. The Committee would like to add a box for submission of butterfly artwork in City Hall. To focus on residents creating pollinator gardens, the Committee will be proposing social media items to go on the City’s social media accounts. The Committee asked about the pollinator garden in front of City Hall. Carol informed the Committee that it may lack what is needed to be considered a pollinator garden. Proposed signage to go in front of the Monarch gardens was considered, the committee determined their preferred design. Preferred design will require a reduction of text and increase in diversity of pollinators in the background. Downtown garden spaces were considered for future pollinator garden habitat projects.
7. Johnny Appleseed Festival: September 30
The Festival was talked about in great detail during the discussion of the Mayors Monarch Pledge. The availability for the Committee members for the day of the event was considered. Location of the booth/table for the day of the event was discussed.
8. Open Discussion
Emilie Hoffman asked about the Green Business Designation Program and when they will receive their stickers. The Committee will begin to focus in on the Green Business Designation Program following the completion of Johnny Appleseed.
9. Next Meeting: October 18, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.
10. Adjourn
There being no further business, Amy Olson moved to adjourn at 8:12 p.m. Cordell Crane seconded the motion.