
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Oct. 18

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City of Crystal Lake | City of Crystal Lake

City of Crystal Lake | City of Crystal Lake

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Oct. 18.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 18, 2023 at Crystal Lake City Hall, seconded by Carol Elkins.

2. Roll Call/Attendance

Present were the following committee members: Steve Platt, Amy Olson, Carol Elkins, Jen Oliver, and Terry Dieckhoff. Members of the public in attendance were Management Analyst Josh Allain and Dean Farr.

3. Public Comment


4. Approval of Minutes from the September 20, 2023 Meeting

Amy Olson made a motion to approve the minutes from the September 20, 2023 meeting. Carol Elkins seconded the motion. Upon voice vote, motion passed.

5. Recap Johnny Appleseed Festival

As a whole, the Committee agreed that the Johnny Appleseed Festival was a great success. All remaining seed packets from the beginning of the year were handed out. The Committee was also able to have discussions with members of the public about many of the topics and information that was displayed on the table during the event. The Committee wanted to also thank Scott Kuykendall for bringing his groundwater model. His model provided an opportunity for children and parents to understand the importance of groundwater, and the impacts that we can have on it.

6. Community Litter Clean-Up Initiatives

Conversations on this topic are a follow up to discussions held during the meeting on September 20. During that meeting, Committee member tasked themselves with looking into possible litter collection programs that can be created in the City.

Amy Olson began the discussion by informing the Committee that she believes they should do some sort of a campaign involving younger residents, targeting specific locations in the City. Carol Elkins proposed bringing back signage that had been used to discourage littering. Posted signs would have information on fines that can be received for littering in the City. The Committee talked about how these programs and other programs can be used to target younger audiences. The Committee mentioned how social media is a great way of influencing younger generations. Terry Dieckhoff brought up the possibility of working with schools and school recycling programs to promote anti-littering campaigns. Steven Platt brought up the idea of up cycling that had been discussed in past meetings. Simon Gibson brought up the idea of up-cycling

clothing that had been discussed as a great way of promoting the idea of general up-cycling. The committee agreed that some form of an incentive may be needed to help with any sort of recycling program. If the option of working with schools is selected, the Committee believes some sort of a “Lunch with the Mayor” type program may be a great incentive for children. Regardless of what options are chosen, the Committee would like to partner any program with a social media program as well.

7. 2023 Goals: Greenest Region Compact / Mayor’s Monarch Pledge

a. Focus: Recycling and Composting

Josh Allain updated the Committee on portions of the Mayor’s Monarch Pledge that are currently in progress. As part of this, the committee talked about the creation of the Monarch display in City Hall. Committee members discussed how they can have more children color monarchs for the display, and learn about the migration of monarch butterflies.

8. North Eastern Illinois Green House Gas Emissions

Steve Platt brought forward this item to talk with the committee, as he believed this could be an important tool to evaluate where we are at as a City with greenhouse gas emissions. Use of this metric could prove to be an effective long term measurement for success. Steven and Simon spoke about the availability of credits to residents offered by the federal government for environmental programs and the larger topics that the Committee can address for energy use reduction. Terry informed the Committee that an increased focus on the Inflation Reduction Act and advertise that to the community. Steve wants the City to look into how it can benefit from the Inflation Reduction Act. Carol Elkins brought up the importance of how we get information out, and advised the committee to be careful of the amount of information being shared.

9. Open Discussion

There were no items discussed during open discussion.

10. Next Meeting: November 15, 2023 at 6:30 p.m.

11. Adjourn

There being no further business, Carol Elkins moved to adjourn at 7:47 p.m. Steven Platt seconded the motion.
