
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Jan. 16

Webp 9

Laura Brehmer, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website

Laura Brehmer, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website

Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Jan. 16

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

Trustee Brehmer, Chairperson, called the Committee of the Whole meeting to order at 7:45 p.m.  

AGENDA ITEM 1: Roll Call to Establish a Quorum 

Chairperson Brehmer determined that all Trustees were present and a quorum was established. 

Staff in Attendance: Tim Schloneger, Village Manager; Nadim Badran, Public Works Director; Dennis Walker,  Police Chief; Jason Shallcross, Community Development Director; Patrick Knapp, Deputy Director Community  Development; and Kelly Cahill, Village Attorney. 

AGENDA ITEM 2: Public Comment 


AGENDA ITEM 3: Community Development 

Mr. Knapp: 

A. Consider a Planned Development and Special Use for Open Air Dining for Lazy Dog Restaurant on Lot 4 of the Enclave 

Jared Taylor of Lazy Dog Restaurants LLC, the “Petitioner”, applied for approval of a Final Planned  Development and issuance of a Special Use Permit for open air dining on Lot 4 of the Enclave, 1731 South Randall Road, the “Subject Property”, located near the northeast corner of Randall Road and Corporate Parkway. A Final PUD was previously approved on the Subject Property for BJ’s Restaurant and Brewhouse but that developer formally withdrew the project in Spring 2023. 

The Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed the request for a Planned Development at the November 13, 2023, Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting. 

A recommended Staff condition was that the patio doors be the same color as the main entrance door. The Petitioner stated during the Hearing that if they were to change the metal patio doors to wood to match the wooden front door, the wood patio doors would be damaged with continuous use by wait staff and guests. After discussion, the Planning and Zoning Commission accepted (approved 7-0) staff’s findings as the findings of the  Planning and Zoning Commission and recommended approval, as outlined in the staff report for case PZ-2023-21 and subject to staff’s recommended conditions with the removal of the recommended staff condition that the patio doors shall be the same color as the main entrance door. 

Even with the Planning and Zoning recommendation to remove the condition regarding the color of the patio  doors, Staff believes that the opportunity remains for the doors to still be metal and be painted a similar color to the front door. Therefore, staff recommends that the final color of the patio doors be approved by the Village Manager prior to Building Permit approval. This recommended condition has been added to condition “a”. 

Staff recommends approval of a Final Planned Development and the issuance of a Special Use Permit  authorizing an open air dining area on Lot 4 of the Enclave, as outlined in the staff report for case PZ-2023-21, subject to the following conditions and final approval of all plans by staff: a. The Exterior Building, Patio, and  Trash Enclosure Elevations, as prepared by GLMV Architecture, and last revised November 13, 2023. The trash enclosure shall be constructed with the same exterior masonry materials as the principal structure. The color of the patio doors shall be approved by the Village Manager prior to building permit approval; 

b. The Sign Plan for Lazy Dog, as prepared by First & Main Signs, and last revised December 15, 2023. All  signs shall meet the Village’s Sign Code and the requirements of the Final PUD for the Enclave. The building shall be permitted a maximum of two (2) wall signs. The installation of a wall sign shall be  prohibited on the rear (east side) of the building. The monument sign shall be constructed to the  specification as defined in the Monument Sign Plan, as prepared by Doyle General Sign Contractors, last revised on April 19, 2022. Only one (1) monument sign shall be allowed on the Subject Property and the monument sign shall be on the Randall Road side (west side) of the Subject Property. The background of the monument sign panel shall be opaque and the stone base of the monument sign shall be constructed with the same type of stone used on the main building. Umbrellas in the open-air dining areas shall not be multicolored and shall not include advertising or text; 

c. Final Engineering titled “Design Development Landlord/City Submittal”, as prepared by Proof Civil, and last revised December 22, 2023; 

d. The Fire Turning Exhibit, as prepared by Proof Civil, and last revised December 22, 2023;

e. The Electrical Plan, as prepared by Salas O’Brien, and last revised December 22, 2023. All exterior lighting shall be dark sky compliant and the poles and lamps shall match the other light fixtures in the Enclave; 

f. The Final Landscape Plan, as prepared by Stan Smith Associates, and last revised December 12, 2023. 

After discussion, it was the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval with  the front door color being deep red, Duranar XL color UC125678XL. 

AGENDA ITEM 4: General Administration 

Mr. Schloneger: 

A. Consider an Agreement with GovTempsUSA for the Contract Services of Joanne Kalchbrenner Mr. Schloneger recommended that the Village enter into an agreement with GovTemps for the services of Joanne Kalchbrenner. Joanne will serve as an independent contractor working on community development projects for the Village, reporting to Patrick Knapp. It is anticipated that she will typically work 24 hours per week  at a rate of $112 per hour through June 14, 2024. 

Joanne has a distinguished 36+ year career with experience in all planning, economic development, zoning, building, and code enforcement activities. She will be a valuable resource during the transition to fill the vacant Community Development Director position. 

It is the consensus of the Committee after discussion to move this on to the Village Board for approval. 

AGENDA ITEM 5: Public Works & Safety 

Mr. Badran: 

A. Consider an Agreement with Visu-Sewer of Illinois for the Storm Sewer Lining Project The Village has numerous storm sewers in need of rehabilitation. Many of these deficiencies can be addressed  by lining which is far less disruptive and cost effective then digging them up for repairs. The storm sewer assessment for lining considers age, material, number of cracks, number of joint separations, root intrusion, and location of the storm pipe. 

Algonquin received two proposals for lining the storm sewer at five locations totaling 762LF. National Power Rodding $165,000.00 and Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC - $91,160.00 

This fiscal year, we budgeted $160,000.00 in account 26900300-43370 for storm sewer lining within our  drainage fund. Thus, it is staff’s recommendation that the Committee of the Whole recommend to the Village Board award of the Storm Sewer Lining project to Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC, for $91,160.00 

1. Five locations throughout the Village needs to have the storm sewers lined due to condition and location. 

2. Two proposals came back with Visu-Sewer of Illinois, LLC being the lowest. 

3. Sufficient funds are/will be available within the Natural Area/Drainage budget to cover this cost. There was some misconception as to the total overall cost for this project. Mr. Badran later clarified, that after discussing internally, this contract will be presented to the Board for award in the amount of $91,160. The reason the quote contained two prices was based upon how the contractor intended to phase the work. They  would have charged us a total of $110,807 if the work was completed as individual projects per pipe. The alternative option of $91,160 is if they are allowed to keep their equipment in town and knock out the project as  one collective project, which is our preference and we can accommodate their equipment at Public Works. In  the future, we will ensure proposals are amended to reflect the option we have selected and remove the options  we are not considering. 

It is the consensus of the Committee to move this on to the Village Board for approval. 

AGENDA ITEM 6: Executive Session 


AGENDA ITEM 7: Other Business 

President Sosine thanked Jason Shallcross for his service to the Village. 

AGENDA ITEM 8: Adjournment 

There being no further business, Chairperson Brehmer adjourned the meeting at 8:14 p.m.  
