
McHenry Times

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Feb. 21

Webp 19

Brett Hopkins, Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.bretthopkinscitycouncil.com/

Brett Hopkins, Crystal Lake City Council Member | https://www.bretthopkinscitycouncil.com/

City of Crystal Lake Sustainability Committee met Feb. 21.

Here are the minutes provided by the committee:

1. Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:33 p.m. Wednesday, February 21, 2024 at Crystal Lake City Hall by Carol Elkins, seconded by Amy Olson.

2. Roll Call/Attendance

Present were the following Committee members: Amy Olson, Steven Platt, Simon Gibson, Terry Dieckhoff, Carol Elkins, and Lisa McLaughlin. Members of the public in attendance: Management Analyst Josh Allain, Dean Farr, and Vignesh Tiruvannamalai.

3. Public Comment

Vignesh presented a social media post that he would like to have shared on the City’s social media account concerning washing vehicles outside in the grass. The committee agreed that sharing information like this would be good on the City’s Facebook page. Carol Elkins asked where Vignesh had gotten his information for this post. Vignesh confirmed that he would send his sources so they can be reviewed. Amy Olson brought up that this is a great example of using water twice, something that the Committee is supportive of. Simon Gibson reminded the Committee that it is important to also make sure the vehicle is not leaking oil or any other fluids prior to moving it to the grass for washing. Dean Farr informed the Committee that dirt works as a great tool for breaking down oil.

Dean Farr wanted to speak to the Committee about reaching out to schools and churches for the Mayors Monarch Pledge. Dean would like to have someone be a contact and provide resources to schools and churches for the production of pollinator gardens. Steven Platt agreed with Dean Farr on his idea. Carol Elkins mentioned to the Committee that she is speaking to schools on the topic of pollinators. Steven would like to create some type of event where people meet up at a common location to have groups present on sustainability topics. Carol and Steven would like to see the targeting of schools as part of the Committee’s long term goals. Committee asked how all of this can tie back to Earth Day. Jen Oliver suggested some form of a teen meet up at the Green Expo.

Amy asked if we would be able to join in at some form of a career day. Lisa McLaughlin would like to see the Committee partner with teenagers in the community, at local high schools, to accomplish committee goals and to provide volunteer hours for the teenagers.

4. Approval of Minutes from the January 17, 2024 Meeting

Lisa McLaughlin made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 17 meeting, seconded by Jen Oliver. Upon voice vote, motion passed.

5. Litter Clean Up Initiatives

A. Sign Designs

B. Proposed Locations

Management Analyst Josh Allain explained the background of the program, and explained that the  current focus for litter collection was signage across the City. Carol Elkins said that the Committee should use the Green Business designation symbol for the signage. Jen Oliver asked how effective the signage would be. Simon Gibson believes the City should look to disincentivize people from littering. Committee likes the idea of showing where garbage cans are located and showing what the fine amount is for littering. Terry Dieckhoff would like to see positive signage, asking people to keep their community clean. The Committee is looking into possible locations around schools and parks where signs can be added. Locations around Crystal Lake South High School and Crystal Lake Central High School were presented as possible locations. Terry suggested to increase the amount of trash cans near bus stops.

6. Strategic Plan Discussion

Management Analyst Josh Allain lead discussion with the Committee by asking what action items, visions, or mission statement ideas the committee had generated after the previous months planning. The Committee did not have anything topic at the current moment. Steven Platt said the Committee could develop goals around the topics of land, air, water, and earth.

7. Mayors Monarch Pledge – Item Selection

The Committee relooked at the action items that the National Wildlife Federation proposes in order to receive recognition for the Mayors Monarch Pledge. Of the items that were selected by the Committee, great interest was put into the possibility of working with HOA’s in the community. Committee members would also like to see a new way of getting seed packets to residents in the community.

8. Green Businesses Designation Program

The Committee reviewed the current website section on the Green Business Designation program.

It was suggested to add the Green Businesses Designation seal to the website section.

9. Open Discussion

No items to discuss.

10. Next Meeting: March 20, 2024 at 6:30 p.m.

11. Adjourn

There being no further business, Amy Olson moved to adjourn at 8:25 p.m., seconded by Simon Gibson. 
