Laura Brehmer, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website
Laura Brehmer, Village Trustee | Village Of Algonquin Website
Village of Algonquin Historic Commission will meet Dec. 11
Here is the agenda provided by the commission:
1. Call toorder-EstablishQuorum.
2. Approve Minutes of Regular Business Meeting of November 13, 2024, and Workshop Meetings of November 16 and 23, 2024.
3. PublicComment-Audience Participation.
4. Public Hearing for Consideration of a Major Improvement in the Old Town District; Case No. HC-09-24, 7 Main Street, Demolition of Principal Structure (Creekside Tap)
Applicant: Village of Algonquin
5. Old Business:
a. Continued discussion of potential new order for historic identification signs and notice to property owners of opportunity to order a new/replacement sign;
b. Continued discussion of efforts to recruit new Commission volunteers/members;
c. New Commission exhibits for the Harnish Library and Main Village Hall display cases;
d. Plans to modify and improve storage of the Commission’s historic postcard and photo archives, including needed storage containers and a possible new filing system.
6. Approve Bills for Payment.
7. New Business:
a. Next fiscal budget and potential new items for inclusion, such as a possible projector for use at Commission presentations.
8. Correspondence, Comments, or Other Business.
9. Adjournment.