Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website
Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website
Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole met Jan. 14
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Trustee Brehmer – Chairperson
Trustee Auger
Trustee Spella
Trustee Glogowski
Trustee Dianis
Trustee Smith
President Sosine
1. Roll Call – Establish a Quorum
2. Proclamation Congratulating the Algonquin Argonauts 8U Football Team on their Regional Championship
3. Public Comment – Audience Participation
(Persons wishing to address the Committee must register with the Chairperson prior to roll call.)
4. Community Development
A. Consider the First Amendment to the Algonquin Meadows Development Agreement
B. Consider the Preliminary Planned Development, a Preliminary Plat of Subdivision, and a Special Use Permit for a Gas Station at the Southwest Corner of East Algonquin Road and Illinois Route 25
C. Consider a Zoning Map Amendment from B-1 Business, Limited Retail Zoning District to B-2 Business, General Retail Zoning District
5. General Administration
A. 2024 Community Survey Presentation
B. Consider the Designation of Depositories for Funds and Other Public Monies in the Custody of the Village of Algonquin
6. Public Works & Safety
A. Consider an Agreement with National Power Rodding for the Storm Sewer Lining Project on Braewood Drive
B. Consider an Agreement for Grounds Maintenance Services with Sebert for 2025-2027
C. Consider an Agreement for Downtown Landscape Maintenance Services with Yellowstone Landscapes for 2025-2027
D. Consider an Agreement with the Catholic Diocese for the Eastgate Drive Improvements
E. Consider an Intergovernmental Agreement with the County of McHenry for the McHenry County Gang Task Force
7. Executive Session (if needed)
8. Other Business
9. Adjournment