Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website
Debby Sosine, Village President | Village Of Algonquin Website
Village of Algonquin Committee of the Whole will meet March 11
Here is the agenda provided by the committee:
Trustee Auger – Chairperson
Trustee Spella
Trustee Glogowski
Trustee Dianis
Trustee Smith
Trustee Brehmer
President Sosine
1. Roll Call – Establish a Quorum
2. Public Comment – Audience Participation
(Persons wishing to address the Committee must register with the Chairperson prior to roll call.)
3. Community Development
A. Consider the 2025 Zoning Map
B. Consider an Amendment to Sections 21.3, 21.4, 21.6.C, and 21.12 of the Zoning Code
4. General Administration
A. Consider an Agreement with MGT Impact Solutions, LLC (formerly GovTemps) for the services of Peggy Blanchard through December 26, 2025
B. Consider an Amendment to the Merit Compensation Plan
C. Review the Proposed 2025-2026 General Fund and Other Funds Budget
5. Public Works & Safety
A. Consider an Agreement with Kenny’s Flooring for the Carpet Replacement in the Ganek Municipal Center (GSA and CDD areas)
B. Consider Certain Vehicle Surplus
C. Consider an Agreement with Christopher Burke Engineering for the Design Engineering of the Replacement of the Spella Retaining Wall
D. Consider an Agreement with Civiltech Engineering, Inc. to perform an ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan in the Public Right of Way
E. Consider a Purchase Agreement with Rush Truck Centers for Four (4) International Truck Chassis
6. Executive Session (if needed)
7. Other Business
8. Adjournment