
McHenry Times

Friday, January 31, 2025

Marengo-Union Elementary Consolidated School District 165 Board of Education will meet May 23.

Webp meeting808

Marengo-Union Elementary Consolidated School District 165 Board of Education will meet May 23.

Here is the agenda provided by the Board:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Pledge of Allegiance

4. Additional Agenda Items

5. Communication and Recognition of Visitors - Citizen's Forum:Questions & Communication Opportunity

5. 1. Dwain Nance - Softball

6. Leadership Report-Mark Dickson

7. Superintendent's Report

7. 1. Resolution to Transfer Funds

7. 2. Science Curriculum 6th - 8th grade

7. 3. Summer Maintenance

7. 4. Pre-School Monitoring Report

7. 5. FOIA (2)

7. 6. Personnel Report

8. Board Discussion

8. 1. Schedule Special Meeting

8. 2. Board Policy Update-1st Reading

9. Consent Agenda Items-Consider a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items

9. 1. Minutes of the April 25, 2017 Regular and Executive Session

9. 2. April Treasurers Report, May Accounts Payables and June Payroll

9. 3. Resolution to transfer funds

9. 4. Remove and replace MCMS parking lot

9. 5. Sealcoating MCMS parking lot

10. Consider a motion to enter into closed session for the appointment, employment, resignation, compensation, discipline, negotiations, and performance of staff and litigation

11. Consider a motion to return to Open Session

12. Consider a motion adopting any action recommended from Closed Session

12. 1. MAEA Contract Ratification

12. 2. Superintendent Evaluation

13. Consider a motion to adjourn
