
McHenry Times

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

How well are you represented? Rep. McSweeney's voting record for the week of Nov. 11

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Rep. David McSweeney (R-52) was present at or voted on 18 bills during the week of Nov. 11, according to a McHenry Times analysis of Illinois General Assembly data.

Rep. McSweeney voted with the winning side 63 percent of the time.

The following table shows how Rep. McSweeney voted and how it compares with other legislators.

Bill #Chief SponsorShort DescriptionDate of VoteVote TypeOverall Votes (Y / N / Present)Rep. McSweeney's Vote
SB0010Sen. Andy Manar (D-48)PARAPROFESSIONAL EDUCATORNov. 13House108 / 5 / 0N
SB0119Sen. Heather A. Steans (D-7)SECOND FY2020 BIMPNov. 13House82 / 29 / 1N
SB0119Sen. Heather A. Steans (D-7)SECOND FY2020 BIMPNov. 13Committee Hearing10 / 1 / 0N
SB0177Sen. Napoleon Harris, III (D-15)BUSINESS ENTERPRISE-VARIOUSNov. 13House82 / 32 / 0N
SB0460Sen. Jennifer Bertino-Tarrant (D-49)SCHOOL-IEP-MATERIAL/EVALUATIONNov. 13House113 / 0 / 0Y
SB0639Sen. David Koehler (D-46)EARLY INTERVENTION SERVICESNov. 13House113 / 0 / 0Y
SB0659Sen. Robert F. Martwick (D-10)FIRE SPRINKLER CONTRACTORNov. 13House71 / 39 / 1N
SB0667Sen. Andy Manar (D-48)PRICING-PRESCRIPTION INSULINNov. 13House100 / 13 / 1N
SB0670Sen. Antonio Muñoz (D-1)INS CD-CORPORATE GOVERNANCENov. 13House114 / 0 / 0Y
SB0718Sen. Iris Y. Martinez (D-20)DRYCLEAN ENVIRONMENT RESPONSENov. 13House113 / 0 / 0Y
SB1300Sen. Cristina Castro (D-22)PEN CD-COOK COUNTY-FUNDINGNov. 13House96 / 14 / 3Y
SB2104Sen. Emil Jones, III (D-14)PHARMACY PRACTICE-VARIOUSNov. 13House113 / 0 / 0Y
HJR0093Rep. Gregory Harris (D-13)JOINT COMMISSION-ETHICSNov. 14House111 / 4 / 0Y
SB0083Sen. Linda Holmes (D-42)OPEN MEETINGS-TRAININGNov. 14House116 / 0 / 0Y
SB0222Sen. Antonio Muñoz (D-1)GAMBLING-SPORTS WAGERINGNov. 14House72 / 7 / 3Y
SB0730Sen. Melinda Bush (D-31)GOVERNMENTAL ETHICS-VARIOUSNov. 14House116 / 0 / 0Y
SB1557Sen. Heather A. Steans (D-7)CANNABIS REGULATION-VARIOUSNov. 14House90 / 20 / 1N
SB1639Sen. Heather A. Steans (D-7)LOBBYIST-DISCLOSURE-DATABASENov. 14House110 / 5 / 0Y
SB1756Sen. Andy Manar (D-48)INSURANCE-MANAGED CARE-HMONov. 14House110 / 5 / 1Y