
McHenry Times

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

ILLINOIS STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 63: Legislative News from State Rep. Steve Reick


Illinois State House District 63 issued the following announcement on Oct. 21

As you may have heard, heightened COVID-19 mitigations are taking effect in Southern Illinois’ Region 5 on Thursday, and in suburban Kane and DuPage Counties (Region 8) and Will and Kankakee Counties (Region 7) on Friday. In each case, heightened mitigation strategies were triggered when the regions posted three consecutive days of COVID-19 positivity rates that were above 8%. Our Region 9, which includes McHenry and Lake Counties, are seeing positivity rates climb as well, and if current trends for our region continue, we will be facing resurgence mitigations as soon as next week. When you look at the chart above for Region 9, it is the far-right column that is causing concern. Those positivity numbers are headed in the wrong direction. We need to do whatever we can to reverse that trend and prevent mitigations from coming to our area. Our businesses can’t handle another shut-down.

Rep. Reick Sends Letter to Governor; Urges “Reset” on COVID-19 Response

It’s clear that Illinois’ COVID numbers are headed in the wrong direction, and it’s only a matter of time before the entire state is moved back to strict mitigations. We’re in the midst of the virus’ second wave, and this is the optimal time for the Governor to work with the Legislature on a new response to the virus.

This week I sent a letter to the Governor, urging him to call a special session and hit the reset button, so he can work collaboratively with the Legislature to determine a new and better path forward.

In the letter, I pointed out, “All of the Executive Orders which you’ve issued in your effort to quell the spread of the virus have been made under the claim of authority granted under the Disaster Declaration you issued in March. This has led to questions, as well as litigation as to how far you can go in relying upon a single Declaration.”

I went on to urge the Governor to call a special session to allow the Legislature to debate and codify the rules that have been issued over the last seven months and provide for definitive sunset dates.

We are now seven months into this health pandemic and we are well beyond the point where legislators should have a voice on response decisions. I hope the Governor is ready to enlist the help of the Legislature, so we can collaborate on a new and better response plan.

Expanded Early Voting Begins on October 19 Across Illinois

For the last 3 ½ weeks, early voting has been limited to county clerks’ offices, but this week additional early voting locations are opened throughout each county.

For those living in the 63rd House District, there are several locations offering early voting between now and November 2. Times differ between locations, so please check dates and times for the location that is most convenient for you. Of course, you are always welcome to vote in person on Election Day, vote absentee, or vote using a vote by mail ballot. Information for all voting is available on county clerk web sites. For our area:

McHenry County General Voting Information

McHenry County Early Voting Information

Locations for McHenry County Ballot Drop Boxes

Public Input Sought for Long-Term Fox River Management

McHenry County, the City of McHenry, and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning are studying an 8-mile stretch of the Fox River that is located just east of the 63rd District. Public officials are seeking community input on a plan that would balance business, environmental protection and transportation in the area. The 8-mile stretch currently being studied stretches from North Chapel Hill Road in Johnsburg, and the area heading south to Burtons Bridge at IL Route 176. The area includes portions of McHenry, Johnsburg, Holiday Hills, Prairie Grove and unincorporated Burtons Bridge. Additional information is available here, and you can take the public input survey by clicking here.

Original source can be found here.