Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) | Courtesy Photo
Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) | Courtesy Photo
State Sen. Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles) recently said the time is now for cleaning up Springfield corruption.
Republicans are pushing Senate Bill 3636 as the start of the change they think is needed. The bill would prevent spouses and other close family members who reside with a General Assembly member from engaging in lobbying if they accept compensation, along with preventing legislators from negotiating for employment with lobbying entities while holding public office. In addition, the bill would allow the attorney general the power to convene a statewide grand jury to investigate, indict, and prosecute public corruption cases and suspected corruption at the hands of public officials.
“These are solid no-nonsense proposals that would hold elected officials accountable for their behavior and increase transparency within our state's government,” DeWitte said.
DeWitte said GOP lawmakers are united in terms of where they go from here.
“Senate Republicans will continue to push for real reform both within the context of the legislative Inspector General's office and within the ethics package we are unveiling today,” he said.