Operational spending at Prairie Grove Elementary School in Crystal Lake is 14 percent less than the average Chicago public school.
Prairie Grove Elementary School is in the Prairie Grove School District 46, where operational spending is $12,948 per year per student.
In the Chicago Public Schools (CPS), the average school spends $15,120 per year per student.
The number of students per classroom at Prairie Grove Elementary School is less than at CPS. At Prairie Grove Elementary School, there are 21 students per classroom, while at CPS there are 24.
However, at CPS, while schools are staffed for full enrollment, 27 percent of students are "chronically truant." That means adjusted for actual student attendance, CPS has 17.5 students per classroom.
At Prairie Grove Elementary School, the truancy rate is 8.7 percent.
The Chicago Teachers Union has called upon state taxpayers to increase state funding to CPS by 33 percent, or to $20,000 per student. City officials are considering filing a federal lawsuit to require the rest of Illinois to provide this funding.
At Prairie Grove Elementary School, 44.6 percent of students earned a passing score on the 2015 Illinois standardized K-12 test, or PARCC exam.
On the same exam, 25 percent of CPS students earned a passing score.